役割と提供価値 #2 英文ライター/エディター

The English Team of Edge International specializes in the production of English-language documents, primarily in the field of investor relations, on behalf of a growing number of Japan’s major globally operating companies as well as Japanese companies aiming to communicate with English-speaking investors and stakeholders worldwide for the first time. Our team comprises writers, who produce English translations of original Japanese documents, and editors, who edit and proofread these translations to ensure the highest level of quality, accuracy, and consistency.
Our team produces high-quality, instructive, and coherent English-language investor relations and other business documents, such as integrated reports, sustainability reports, news releases, and presentation materials. These documents target our clients’ current and prospective domestic and overseas investors, allowing them to present to a worldwide English-speaking audience their track records, best practices, financial and non-financial performance, and investment appeal effectively and with consistency and clarity of message. By doing so, we help our clients enhance their corporate value.
In order to produce the highest-quality and most readable and consistent English-language documents possible, we do not directly or literally translate the original Japanese text into English but write English text that is faithful in terms of meaning and tone to the original Japanese but produced specifically for a native English-speaking audience. To ensure further consistency, clarity, and readability, the English documents we produce are thoroughly edited in accordance with American English conventions, The Chicago Manual of Style, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (eleventh edition). Producing English documents via such a process allows for our Japanese company clients to communicate their appeal and achievements directly to overseas investors and stakeholders through high-quality, business English prose that eliminates any language structural, cultural, social, and other issues that would otherwise arise from directly translating the Japanese source material.
In the English Team of Edge International, we pride ourselves on producing English documents that not only meet the needs of our clients but also ensure that the message they wish to deliver to the overseas audience is communicated effectively, efficiently, and clearly. Working with clients across various industries, from pharmaceutical, automotive, advertising, and real estate to food, beverage, apparel, and entertainment, we have cultivated highly specialized knowledge that enables us to satisfy a diverse range of client needs. If you are a listed company looking to communicate your value creation story to an English-speaking audience, then look no further than Edge International. We are confident in our ability to enhance the quality of your English-language communication and, ultimately, help increase your corporate value.
さらに、一貫性、明瞭性、読みやすさを担保するために、アメリカ英語のスタイル辞典【The Chicago Manual of Style, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary(第11版)】に準拠して編集を行います。このようなプロセスで英文資料を作成することで、直訳によって生じる言語構造、文化、社会などの問題を排除し、クライアント企業は高品質のビジネス英文で海外の投資家やステークホルダーに自社の魅力や成果を伝えることができます。